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The poet says "A Man is nothing but the form of his mother-land"

My Inspiration rises from having been born and grown up in Israel, even before there was a State of Israel.

I am a third generation Israeli, my mom was born here, as well as her parents. Her great grand parents came here at the 1870's. She told me I was the great granddaughter of The Maccabeans...

My inspiration rises from the Judeo-Israeli tradition on which I grew up and was educated.

I am the widow of the late Naval Colonel H. Zemach, who won twice Israel Defense Prize, and was decorated Dear of Israel's Navy. He inspired me by his will to achieve the goal no matter what, dedication and tenacity - - - - Unfortunately I cannot copy his genius.

I am a Sabra. This Cactus fruit , which is pricky outside, soft and sweet on the inside.
[This is how they call the Israel born kids]

My inspiration comes from the landscapes I grew in - the deep blue sea, the thousand shades of green of Mount Carmel forests, the stark, rocky yellow-brown-red deserts, all the tones of blue, sometimes even grey skies, the bright sun
and the wonderful wonderful coloration of the wild flower beds in winter, all around the land.

My inspiration is in seeing not only what is in front of me, but also what is between the visible objects - the negative spaces, the hidden flowers, Divinity...

My inspiration is The colors the bright colors of sunny Israel. The Sky, The Flowers, the Sea.

My inspiration is simply the medium I work with. Glass is so inspiring, by its 'personal' qualities - transparency, and more, and by its yielding to be worked with me, once I know what I want from it.

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